August 15, 2007

  • Wednesday Garden News

    Dwarf Ruellia above, Annie's Rose next. Below is a little skipper butterfly on a zinnia, and to the right,  Milkweed tussock caterpillars chowing down on my butterflyweed.


    I didn't really mind when I saw the caterpillars eating my butterfly weed (AKA Milkweed) because I knew that Monarch butterflies lay their eggs on Milkweed -- and I love Monarchs. However, when I identified the caterpillars (see photo on right), they were not Monarchs at all, but Milkweed Tussock Moth caterpillars, not a terribly attractive insect at all. And so the question: Do I kill the little buggers or let them eat the Butterflyweed? You may remember, that I don't like to spray insecticides because beneficial insects are also killed (a strategy that has paid off, I might add. I've had very little insect damage this year) -- but I'm not above killing destructive insects if I can do it without any general spraying. 

    It was hard to make the shift in my mind, though, at least to the point of bloodshed (or whatever the goo in them is). One moment I was delighted to see the little critters, and the next -- because they weren't going to be beautiful butterflies --  they instantly fell out of  my favor. In the end, I decided to let them be. The Milkweed already looks decimated, and is pretty well shot for this year. Perhaps next year, a Monarch will beat the Tussock Moth to the punch. Perhaps not. Next year I may not be so softhearted.

    Find of the Day: What?
    Another Video: Lifted

Comments (4)

  • A tough decision. Killing is not good and yet I had some parsley worms which do become beautiful butterflys and I kind of wish I'd killed them because they ate it all. Are the moth caterpillars wrecking it for the monarchs?

  • They are a much prettier caterpillar than they are as a moth.

    We have had a dozen or so black swallowtail caterpillars decimate our parsley.  So my dilemma is do I get them more to eat or let nature take it's course?

  • I've got a similar dilemma...caterpillars are eating EVERYTHING! However I have a ton of butterflies in this new yard. So I'm thinking let them attack the flowers I didn't plant & start over with seasonal plants when it cools off this fall. Why fight a well established nature, right?

  • I'm glad you decided not to murder them.  Strange . . . as caterpillars they have the coloring of monarchs.

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