August 13, 2007

  • Junonia coenia

    It is not often that I get this close to a butterfly that actually sits still long enough for me to get a good clear shot. But this Common Buckeye butterfly (Junonia coenia) fairly posed for me. I didn't know what kind it was until I got this picture and then went to the Butterfly and Moths of  North America Gallery to identify it. You have to wade through a lot of pictures, but it is satisfying to finally find a photo that matches.

    I'm doing much better today. I actually was able to work outside in the garden most of the morning. I see my doctor tomorrow to follow up after the visit to the ER. I'm still taking the Antivert for dizziness, but until today I doubted that it was doing much. Now it is pretty much keeping me dizzy free. I'm much more hopeful today than I was yesterday that I can get back to my normal life.

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Comments (6)

  • Thanks for the identification! I have several of these that come to visit! Glad to hear you are doing better! Take care Alice! :wink:

  • Gorgeous butterfly! I had to wade through a lot of caterpillar photos to discover what we had found on our parsley.

    Glad to hear your dizziness is at bay for now, keep us posted. :love:

  • Glad you're much better now.

    Avoid using the cellphone or wireless phone, as it may trigger an occurrence.

  • I'm so glad to hear your medicine is working for you!  The butterfly is gorgeous - you do such a nice job!

  • Happy to hear you are feeling better.  Maybe it just won't happen again.

  • "Dizzy free" is great & so is that fabulous butterfly foto!

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